Corporate identity design
if you want to design an identity for your company to make your brand etched in the minds of customers
What is corporate identity?
In the first place, it is important to clarify that corporate identity is part of the branding process, which means building the company's reputation. It is the main long-term goal for all companies that want to survive and grow. Therefore, all marketing activities and the company's efforts are aligned with this goal
Corporate identity is also part of marketing. Marketing is a complete chain that must be consistent with business goals and meet customer needs
here fore, designing a corporate identity does not mean designing the logo and printing only. Rather, the company's identity is translated in all the company's movements and indicated by all the marketing messages that come out of the company, which is what we help you build.

Corporate identity design
Corporate visual identity: colors, designs, prints, logos, all brand visuals. The elements that help customers tell companies apart
The design of a company's visual identity includes

The logo
This is one of the most important elements that distinguishes you to customers, and it is the first impression a customer has of you.On the one hand, the logo or logo is an important element that catches the eye and mind of the customer to the company, but on the other hand, it is not the only part in the design of the company's complete identity

This promotes your company's services or products directly, such as flyers and brochures, or indirectly, such as gifts and event printing, such as calendar results. We will talk about them in detail later.

Website design
The website has now moved from being a means that can be dispensed with or a display channel to being considered one of the company's assets that must also express its identity. Every element inside the website must be used in the direction of the company's visual identity, from colors and designs, the way of speaking and choosing words, the videos displayed, the angles of the photos and lighting, and so on from elements that you can exploit to strengthen your brand

Primary colors
Each color has a meaning in the mind of the customer, and an impression is generated from seeing this color. Therefore, you must exploit colors to your advantage and the company's advantage, as we will learn together.
Logo design as part of a company's visual identity
After we have learned about the importance of logo design, we will explain that there are different types of logos, including

Text logo: This is a logo that uses text inside a frame based on a specific font. It is important to note that the font is also an element of the company's identity
Symbolic logo: This is a logo that uses a symbol that represents the company
Letter logo: This is a logo that uses some of the letters of the company's name to represent it, such as the HP logo
Combination logo: This is a logo that uses text and a symbol together to create a complete logo.
Character logo: This is a logo that uses a character or illustration to represent the company.
Arabic calligraphy logo: This is a logo that uses Arabic calligraphy to represent the company.
Abstract logo: This is a logo that uses abstract shapes and forms to represent the company.
Handwritten logo: This is a logo that is written in a handwritten font.
Meaningful text logo: This is a logo that uses text to convey a specific meaning.
Text within graphics logo: This is a logo that uses text inside graphics to create a complete logo.
It is important to remember that the company logo is your face and is one of the most important elements in designing a company's visual identity. However, do not forget to connect it to the other elements and to continue working on the branding process as a whole

Why your startup needs a complete visual identity design?
The need for a startup to have a complete visual identity is like the need for the moon to have the sun; they are never separated. Here are some reasons for this:
1. It establishes your place among competitors.
Your visual identity expresses who you are, what your company is about, and its goals and visions. It shows customers your strength through your visual identity and what you can offer them.
2. It emphasizes the professionalism of the company.
The visual identity expresses the professionalism of the company and gives customers a good impression of trust. This attracts them to you and your products. You can then compete in the market and tell everyone that you are present and that you have a distinctive visual identity. You are not an amateur in the field, but you have experience. All this and more is expressed by the distinctive and integrated visual identity.
3. It plants awareness in the hearts of customers.
You should care about the awareness of your brand as it is the source of success in the future. Making users aware of your services makes them understand a lot about them, which increases their popularity and the possibility of selling them and the possibility of receiving new potential customers.

What does visual identity design mean for companies and websites?
A company's identity is all the designs that relate to the company's electronic and even printed documents, the most prominent of which is the company or institution's logo. The company's logo is the main and identifying identity of the company, and the commercial or visual identity is one of the most important things that help in advertising and promotional campaigns. It is one of the most important strategies for electronic and even traditional marketing. It is what attracts customers and gives them a good first impression of your website, services, or products. Therefore, visual identity means a lot to companies and websites, and every business owner who wants their business to thrive and reach customers in the best possible way should care about it.

What do visual identity design services include?
Visual identity design services typically include the following:
1. Logo design.
2. Employee stationery design.
3. Internal print design.
4. Print style guide design.
5. Exterior signage design.
6. Advertising and promotional print design.
7. Social media cover and background design.
8. Website promotional video design.

What are the stages of working on a visual identity at NSIC?
1. Initial data analysis: Discuss project & requirements, prepare work environment.
2. Initial data analysis: Discuss project & requirements, prepare work environment.
3. Logo design: Design logo as the foundation for the rest of the identity.
4. Print design: Design prints based on chosen logo colors.
5. Visual identity model: Send a general model after full design completion.
6. Project approval & delivery: Deliver guide file with logo, colors, sizes, printing instructions, and open-source files for easy printing.
7. Social media cover and background design.
8. Website promotional video design.

Why choose us?
Because we at NSIC are specialists in design, advertising, and marketing. We also have business models that distinguish us from others. We excel in designing logos and visual identities for companies in the early and advanced stages in a distinguished way. We also stand out for: